One of my favorite lines in the movie Ocean's Eleven is when Julia Roberts says to her boyfriend, nasty casino operator Andy Garcia, "You of all people should know, in a casino, there's always someone watching."
We're seeing a different side to police-citizen altercations now that police are wearing body cams and onlookers are shooting real-time video with their cell phones. This is particularly important when one of the participants is no longer alive to tell their side of the story.
But what if we extrapolate beyond the police force? What if we act as if all of our business interactions were able to be captured and put on display for the entire world to see?
I'm not advocating that consumers wear body cams when shopping. But I am suggesting that we remind employees that anything they say or do can be captured and reported upon online. Everything they do has always represented the company and the brand. It's just now we can be sure that someone will always be watching.
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