I'm not sure what was going through the minds of lawmakers in Indiana last week when they passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
I'm sure the last thing they expected was that this legislation would be bad for business in Indiana. Yet, because the law is seen as a way for businesses to discriminate against gays, and same-sex couples in particular, the backlash has been both immediate and significant.
Discrimination in any form should be unacceptable. Period. It's not that long ago that businesses turned away patrons based on the color of their skin, their ethnic background, or their religious heritage. That's no longer acceptable, and neither is it OK to discriminate based on sexual orientation.
What Indiana is now learning is that discrimination is bad for business. Really bad. Large, prominent business institutions, both inside the state and out, are saying this is wrong and we will take our spending elsewhere.
What's bad for customers is also bad for business. The good news is how quickly business has stepped up to let the world know.
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