Saturday Night Live toasted itself on Sunday with a star-studded 40th anniversary special.
It's hard to believe it's been four decades since we first met characters like Roseanne-Roseannadanna and Father Guido Sarducci or saw the first editions of Weekend Update.
Over the years, comedians came and went. Some players were much more talented than others. Some went on to have great careers; others seemed to fade away quietly. And some years, to be honest, the show was just not really funny.
SNL survived because it stayed true to its brand promise: offering a weekly dose of silly live skits and impressions that poked fun at just about everyone, especially politicians and celebrities, and never took itself too seriously. The best part of most elections is seeing how SNL will skewer the candidates each week.
How many businesses have come and gone in that time period because they either didn't find a brand promise that worked or didn't stick with one that did? Well, excuuuse me.
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